I had sex. The end.

Just kidding.

After trying to have a baby for over a year to no avail, I reached a turning point where I decided to focus on my health. When I finally made lifestyle changes, I was pregnant within 3 months. If you’re trying to get pregnant with PCOS, here are a few tips that worked for me.


Every bad thing you can think of. Toxins, heavy metals, radiation.  Cut out anything that is harmful to your body. Detox foot patches, taking Advanced TRS spray, and only drinking water were all a must. Ditch the plastic water bottles and invest in a Berkey water filter. I even used a sauna once a month. As well, I chucked the microwave, made it a priority to use the phone less, and would unplug the Internet modem at night.


Get your nails done. Get a facial. Read a blog. Whatever it is that makes you relax, make it a priority to schedule it into your week.  Don’t forget to catch up on rest.

The most important tip I can give anyone:  Be very careful about the company you keep because you are who you surround yourself with.  Is your boyfriend, best friend, or parent miserable? Well, guess what, if you’re around them often you probably are too! Be sure to only connect with those who make you happy, and cut ties with anyone that stresses you.


This one is a bit controversial because the vagina is a self-cleaning organ so your doctor may not recommend yoni steaming. I was hesitant when two friends invited me to go with them. But I went and a few months later 2/3 of us were pregnant. Strange coincidence? Maybe, but it is worth sharing.


Nothing specific, whatever you ENJOY that gets your blood pumping and heart rate moving.  For me, it was resistance training 3 days a week and 2 days of cardio.  Remember: if you don’t enjoy it, move on to something else.


Buy organic products. Swap your meat for grass-fed products. No processed chips or cookies. American food has a lot of harmful chemicals so I highly suggest finding an alternative from Italy, England, etc. 


Maybe religion isn’t your thing but it doesn’t hurt to try prayer. I believe putting my faith in God and his timing is what made my little miracle come true.

The takeaway

I’m just a girl who got pregnant with PCOS. From my experience, my non-professional opinion is that balance is key. Both emotional and physical wellness needs to be aligned in order for the body to function wholly.